Oak City
Family Law

Raleigh’s no-drama
divorce & family law firm

Divorce Attorney & Family Law

Custody, Support, & Property

Domestic Violence Protective Order

About Us

Getting the best results for our clients

Scorched-earth court battles make for great TV drama but can result in bitter clients and detrimental outcomes in real life. Instead, our firm focuses on getting you the best outcome possible with the least amount of pain and expense. For over two decades, we have carefully built a sterling reputation among other local attorneys and judges. When our team walks into a room, everyone knows that we will present a fair and workable solution to the issues. They also know that we come prepared and will absolutely go to the mat for our clients when necessary. This perception of pragmatism and professional integrity opens the door to a more favorable settlement for you.

It is natural for new clients to come in with a lot of questions and worries. What will happen to our kids? How can we divide everything up? Will I be treated fairly? What if there has been abuse? Because we are selective about the clients we represent, there is no pressure to rush through your initial consultation with one of our attorneys. We will take the time you need to talk through your concerns, provide practical next steps, and prioritize your goals. We understand the emotional journey and know where the pain points are, because we have walked through this with countless clients like you. You will never walk alone.

The staff of Raleigh's best family law firm gather around a table for a group photo.
Top Raleigh Divorce Attorney Katherine Frye sits at her desk to assure a client that they will be well cared for.

Katherine Frye
Founding Attorney

Top Raleigh Domestic Violence Attorney Sarah Privette sits at her desk to listen to a a client in need of a Domestic Violence Protective Order.

Sarah Privette
Founding Attorney

We understand that family law matters are deeply personal and can be challenging. That’s why we are dedicated to providing compassionate, personalized service tailored to your unique situation. Whether you are facing a contentious divorce or seeking a peaceful resolution through mediation, we are here to support you through every step.
Our approach is grounded in professionalism, integrity, and a commitment to reducing the emotional and financial toll often associated with family law cases. We believe in a “no drama” approach, prioritizing clear communication, practical solutions, and a respectful environment. Our goal is to navigate the legal process efficiently and effectively, minimizing stress for our clients and helping them move forward with confidence.
-Katherine & Sarah


What Our Clients Say

I hired Ms. Frye to review a complex divorce. I recommend her to anyone looking for a powerful advocate through the many hoops, twists, and turns that Divorce proceedings can generate. Her staff was a joy to work with throughout the experience, before, during, and after the case resolution. Trust me; you will not go wrong choosing her to be on your side.

Casey P. (Source: Google)

Sarah is a voice of reason when decisions need to be made she presents all of the options available, provides further explanation & applied professional knowledge. Sarah is quick to assess a situation and act as a voice of reason throughout proceedings. I am thankful for Sarah’s continued service of whom I can trust.

Joyce R. (Source: Avvo)

I was concerned because the other side hired a bull dog of an attorney, and I didn’t want to waste money like she did. Katherine and her staff did an excellent job using the funds wisely. In addition, she didn’t back down at all on important issues. For those items that didn’t dignify a response, she didn’t waste my money to respond. Happy with the results and happy with her office.

Steven L. (Source: Avvo)

I had a difficult custody situation between two states and Sarah gave me the piece of mind and trust that was so necessary to keep going! She also helped me understand my rights more in the situation, which I will always be so grateful for! I would recommend her to anyone who doesn’t want to feel alone through the process!

Tenesha W. (Source: Avvo)

*Names of clients have been changed to protect confidentiality.
Some quotes are excerpts from longer reviews where space is limited.

Our Team

Who we are

A headshot of Oak City Family Law founding attorney Katherine Frye sitting at her desk.

Katherine Frye

Founding Attorney

A headshot of Oak City Family Law founding attorney Sarah Privette sitting at her desk.

Sarah Privette

Founding Attorney

A headshot of Oak City Family Law employee Tylar Rickman sitting at her desk.

Tylar Rickman

Office Manager

A headshot of Oak City Family Law employee Amy Woods sitting at her desk.

Amy Woods

Financial Manager


Learn More

How is the cost determined?

For new clients, the process begins with booking a free introductory call with our legal assistant.  If it seems like a good fit, we will then provide a quote for a 90 minute in-depth consultation with one of our attorneys. This comprehensive discussion will allow the attorney to fully understand your case, develop a clear action plan, determine the retainer deposit, and provide an estimated cost range based on the facts of your case.

The attorneys at our firm are highly experienced and are recognized for their exceptional credentials.  As such, we offer a premium service to our clients with a lot of personal attention.  We are not a discount law firm, and we believe this provides a better experience (and better outcomes) for our clients.  We realize that our approach of focusing on value over price may not be for everyone. We are committed to being good stewards of your resources and will help you avoid unnecessary expenses when possible.  But it is our experience that it can be very expensive to hire a cheap attorney.

Do I have to live in Wake County to work with you?

In order for us to represent you, at least one party must reside in Wake County, North Carolina. If you live out-of-county or out-of-state but the other party lives in Wake County, we may be able to represent you. Book a call with our legal assistant and we will help you determine the proper jurisdiction for your particular situation.

When should I see a divorce attorney?

Please understand that there is a difference between consulting with an attorney and retaining an attorney.  We often consult with people who need legal advice but aren’t quite at the point where we recommend they formally retain an attorney for an active case.  When this occurs, we will give you specific “trigger points” to know when to formally retain a divorce lawyer.

Here are some general examples of when it is time to call an attorney:

  • You have separated or a separation is imminent
  • Abuse has occured (which may include the other party cutting off your access to marital funds or support systems)
  • If you and your spouse have decided to separate at a specific future date (such as once the youngest child leaves home) even if that event is a few years off
Should I see an attorney if I am thinking about separating but not yet sure?

If you are contemplating a separation or divorce, you can schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys to better understand the process/cost, your options, and possible strategies.  We will never push you toward a divorce.  If you are in a safe environment and want to work on your marriage, we highly encourage you to do so.  You should understand that what helps your legal case in a separation may hurt your ability to reconcile.  Ultimately, you have to decide for yourself which course to pursue.  We will give you sound legal advice for either choice.

Do you offer adoption services?

We currently do not offer adoption services.

What is the connection to Frye Law Offices?

Katherine Frye built a sterling reputaton in the community after founding Frye Law Offices in 2001.  Wanting to bring even more value to her clients, Katherine partnered with Sarah Privette to bring a truly top-tier client experience to the Raleigh area.  The synergy they created deserved a new name, so together they re-launched as Oak City Family Law in 2024.  You can read more about our story here.

How do I pick the right attorney?

When searching for an attorney, look for one with substantial experience with cases like yours and the credentials to confirm that experience.  You can be assured that the attorneys at our firm are fully vetted and offer top-tier service.

But even more important is having an attorney that you communicate well with and that you trust.  You will make the substantive decisions for your case, but your attorney will decide the strategy and the process.  Having an attorney that you know you can implicitly trust is crucial for both your peace of mind and the successful outcome of your case.

What is the process to hire you as my attorney?

Your first step is to book a call with one of our legal assistants.  They will talk through your case and gather some initial information.  If it looks like a good match, we will schedule an initial consultation with an attorney.  The attorney consultation may be in-person or virtual, and we typically schedule these about two weeks out.  Our attorneys do work together and may occasionally share case work if there is a time-sensitive need.

Unlike some firms, we do not rush through the first attorney consultation.  We spend ample time walking through your case and answering your questions.  The goal of this meeting is for you to get clarity on the cost, understand if it is the right time to hire a lawyer, and leave with an action plan with clear next steps.

If you are ready to retain our firm, the attorney will discuss requirements for a retainer deposit and review the retainer agreement with you.  To save time during the meeting, the retainer agreement is prepared by a legal assistant after you leave the attorney’s office and signed on a later date.

How do I prepare for my attorney consultation?

Before your appointment write down some of the outcomes and goals you want to accomplish. Write down a list of all of the questions you have.  Bring any relevant legal or financial documents (which can include a recent pay stub or tax return).

If you feel lost or don’t have access to all of the records you need, we will absolutely help guide you.  But clients who are organized and return documents in a timely manner can often save a lot of money over the course of a case.

Do you offer both in-person and virtual appointments?
  • The introductory call with our legal assistant is conducted by phone. 
  • You can choose to meet with the attorney in-person at our Raleigh office or virtually via Microsoft Teams.  You do not have to have a Microsoft Teams account in order to use the virtual option for meetings. 
  • Routine follow-ups can often be handled by phone if you prefer.
  • Going to court is not always required, but some court-related activities may require you to appear in person.
How can you help protect my privacy?

If you are in a sensitive situation, please note it on the form when you book your introductory call.  You can also discuss it with the attorney during your consultation.  Here are some things we can do to help mitigate the risks when there are special cirumstances:

  • Use our online calendar to book your introductory call at a date/time that you know will be safe for you
  • We can call you from a private cell number instead of our office number if extra caution is required
  • We can allow you to skip the intial intake form and limit use of email
In a moment as conflicting and stressful as a divorce, Attorney Frye explained my options and made me feel the comfort that I needed when my world fell apart. She is extremely knowledgeable, dedicated and flexible. Attorney Frye is supported by a great team and not once, have I ever doubted that she has my best interest. I truly recommend Attorney Frye and assure you that if you’re fortunate enough to have her represent you, you’ll be in great hands.

Maria R.    (Source: Avvo)

I highly recommend Sarah Privette. I was living a Dateline episode in the making, and I needed urgent help. I contacted a close friend. He advised me to call Sarah Privette immediately. I am so glad that I did because she gave me my life back. I was immediately impressed with her knowledge of the law as well as her fierce navigation of my entire case. The pain of living in constant fear for months dissipated as soon as I walked into her office for the first time. It was the worst era of my life, but I had the very best attorney. Sarah’s professionalism, approachability, wisdom, and poise remained constant throughout all of my encounters with her, and the outcome that she secured for me was remarkable.

Janet M.    (Source: Google)

Katherine and her practice did a fantastic job in my child custody case. We have been in litigation (on and off) for the past three years. Katherine represented me through several motions, and she always seemed to remember the details of our case (past and present) when corresponding. It was very reassuring to know that she really understood and knew my case and history. I felt she always used her time efficiently, and I also always felt that she was fighting for me. It has been a very stressful three years, and I am happy with our outcome. I would highly recommend Frye Law Offices to anyone involved in family law cases.

Melissa D.    (Source: Avvo)

*Names of clients have been changed to protect confidentiality.  Some quotes are excerpts from longer reviews where space is limited.

Contact us

New Clients

Your best interests are at the heart of everything we do, starting with our confidential intake process. Schedule a free 15-minute call with a legal assistant who will gather details and connect you with the right attorney for your case. This ensures you receive our full attention in a safe environment at a time that works for you.  We will answer your questions about the process and help you prepare for the consultation with your attorney.

We understand that some clients come to us in the middle of a difficult situation.  We will walk through every step with you, and give you the time and attention you deserve.  If you have additional safety concerns, we can take further steps – just let us know in the scheduling form.

Notice: The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship.


Existing Clients

If you are an existing client and need to contact us about your case, please call our office directly at 919-846-8807.